Publications and Seminar Notes

Performance Prediction

1) L. Ozdemir, “Performance Prediction for Mechanical Excavators in Yucca Mountain Tuffs”, Task Report to Sandia National Laboratories, Contract 35-0039, (February, 1991).

2) J. Rostami, L. Ozdemir, D. Neil “Performance Prediction, The Key Issue in Mechanical Excavation“. Mining Engineering, (November 1994).

3) J. Rostami, L. Ozdemir “Computer Modeling of Mechanical Excavators Cutterhead“, Proceedings of the World Rock Boring Association Conference, (Sept 17-19, 1996).

4) M. Cigla, L. Ozdemir, “Computer Modeling for Improved Production of of Mechanical Excavators”, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, (February 2000).

Tunnel Boring Machine

1) Ozdemir, L., and Nilsen, B. “Performance prediction of hard rock Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) in difficult ground“, Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) Proceedings, 1993, Boston, USA

2) Friant, E. J., Ozdemir, L., “Tunnel Boring Technology – Present and Future“, Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) Proceedings, 1993, Boston, USA

3) Bilgin, N., Nasuf, E., Cigla, M. “Stability Problems effecting the performance of a full-face tunnel boring machine in Istanbul – Baltalimani Tunnel“, Proceeding on Assessment and Prevention of Failure Phenomena in Rock Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 1993


5) Nelson, B., Ozdemir, L., “RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN SITE INVESTIGATION AND TESTING FOR HARD ROCK TBM PROJECTS“, Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) Proceedings, Chapter 39, 1999.

6) M. Cigla, S. Yagiz and L. Ozdemir, “Application of Tunnel Boring Machines in Underground Mine Development “, International Mining Congress, 2001, Ankara, Turkey.

7) L. Ozdemir, B. Nilsen, “Recommended Laboratory Rock Testing For TBM Projects

Field Cutterload / Thrust Measurements for Hard Rock TBMS

1) Wang F., Ozdemir L., and Fishman C., “Tunnel Boring Machine Instrumentation“, Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) Proceedings, 1979.


1) Neil, D. and Ozdemir, L., “Considerations for Development of Hard Rock Roadheaders“, International Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation, Vol. 2, June 10-13, 1991

2) Neil, D., M., Rostami J., et., al., “Production Estimating Techniques For Underground Mining Using Roadheaders” SME/AIME Annual Meeting, 1994, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

3) Rostami J., Ozdemir L., et., al., “Roadheaders Performance Optimization For Mining and Civil Construction”  Proceedings of 13th Annual Technical Conference, Institute of Shaft Drilling Technology (ISDT), 1994 Las Vegas, NV.

4) Rostami J., Ozdemir L., Neil M. Neil, “Application of Heavy Duty Roadheaders for Underground Development of the Yucca Mountain Exploratory Study Facility“, IRWMC 1994.

5) J. Rostami, L. Ozdemir, and B. Asbury. “Mini-Disc Equipped Roadheader Technology for Hard Rock Mining“, Third International Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation, Vol. II, June 12-14 1995, Golden Colorado.

6) H., Copur, L., Ozdemir, Rostami, J., “Roadheader applications in mining and tunneling industries” Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 1998, Orlando, FL.

Continuous Miner

1) B. Asbury, M. Cigla, “Design Methology, Field Testing and Evaluation of a Continuous Miner Cutterhead for Dust Reduction in Underground Coal Mines“, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, (2002).

2) Asbury B., Dezeeuw M., Cigla M., Ozdemir L., “Results of Practical Design Modifications for Resperiable Dust Reduction on Continuous Miners in Underground Coal Mining“, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, Cincinnati Ohio, 2003.

Mini Disc Cutter Technology

1) Friant E., J., Ozdemir L., et., al., “Mini Cutter technology – The answer to a Truly Mobile Excavator”  Proceedings of North American Tunneling Conference (NAT) and Exhibition, 1994, CO

2) Ronnkvist, E., Ozdemir L., “Testing and Performance Evaluation of a 32 inch Cutterhead Using Mini Disc Cutters” Proceedings of ISDT annual Technical Conference’94, Las Vegas, NV.

3) Ronnkvist, E., et., al., (1994) “Development of A Mechanical Alcove Excavator for The Yucca Mountain Exploratory Study Facility” Proceedings of The 5th Annual International High-Level Radioactive.

4) Asbury, B., Rostami, J., and Ozdemir, L., “A New Concept for Selective Mechanical Mining of Hard Rock “, SME 1998, Orlando, FL.

Disc Cutters

1) Ozdemir L., Miller R.J., Wang F.D., “Mechanical Tunnel Boring Machine Prediction and Machine Design”, NSF APR73-07776-A03, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, (1978)

2) Rostami, J., Ozdemir, L. “A New Model for Performance Prediction of Hard Rock TBMs“, Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) Proceedings, 1993, Boston, USA

Mechanical Mining

1) L. Ozdemir, “Mechanical Excavation Techniques for Hard Rock Mining“, Fourth Canadian Symposium, Saskatoon, Canada, Sept. 1990


1) Soft Ground and Hard Rock Mechanical Tunneling Technology Seminar, which was sponsored by Colorado School of Mines (CSM), Herrenknecht A.G., and American Underground Construction Association (AUA) was held on March 28, 2003 at CSM campus. Topics that were covered in this one day seminar included:


1) Schooling in Earth Science, T&T North America, June 2000.

2) J. Nocero, “Colorado School of Mines“, Cover Story, Tunnel Business Magazine, December 2000.

3) WT Materials Review, “The Cutting Edge, World Tunneling, March 2002.